
Andy Baio has a really, really great post on the long, slow failure of a social media site called Ello. That word — post — doesn’t really seem to do it justice, to be honest, but it’s bloggy in all the best ways so let’s just go with it. I won’t rehash its contents here […]

Quick Thoughts from the Green Goblin of Generative AI

Okay, I’m going to let you in on a secret. One of the reasons I’m so frosty about the gap between generative AI’s narrative, and what it actually can do when you build an application with it and put someone in front of it is that for the last couple of months, I’ve been building […]

The Last Mile

I make a lot of generative AI jokes, because they’re obvious, and because they’re hilarious. But, in all seriousness, there is a huge problem with the value proposition of almost every generative AI application that everyone is just whistling past for a variety of reasons. The Promise is the Problem Generative AI as a technology […]

Work Paste

As I’ve gotten older, one thing I’ve started to realize is that there are many different kinds of burnout. I know this, because I’ve gone through several, and watched my friends, family, and colleagues go through an even wider variety of them.  For starters, there is the most physical kind of burnout. I’m talking about […]


Unelected! Unpopular! Lifetime appointments! Self-enforced ethics rules! Very little documentation defining its role! The Supreme Court really does have it all, when you stop and think about it. And “government at its finest“? I think you’re on pretty safe ground with “the Supreme Court is important”, or my personal stance of “it was a decent […]

The Michael Scott Paper Company Golf Association

Major news in a sport I don’t care that much about, but have been unable to ignore because the lawsuits are too interesting. This is all fine and probably makes sense, but there are some pretty funny elements to it when you look at how all of this will eventually get sorted out. Still to […]